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sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013

Aniversariantes de JULHO

José Roberto Bresolin 01/jul
Ednéia Casagranda Bueno 02/jul
Angela Cristina de Carli Petreanu 11/jul
Cristiani Bürger 13/jul
Marta Ferreira da Silva Marcondes 15/jul
Fábio Lazzarotto de Oliveira 15/jul
Bruna Proiss Fenner da Costa 19/jul
Silmara Mendes Hoepers 31/jul

quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2013


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A Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF) promoverá, no período de 18 a 21 de setembro de 2013, o IV SIMPÓSIO DE PLANTAS MEDICINAIS DO VALE DO SÃO FRANCISCO

Este evento é voltado para estudantes, jovens cientistas, pesquisadores, profissionais de saúde, bem como para a população que tem interesse em plantas medicinais e fitoterapia.

O objetivo do evento é discutir propostas de aproveitamento do potencial químico e farmacológico da biodiversidade da região do Vale do São Francisco. Para isso, pesquisadores de diversas instituições no país estão sendo convidados para trazer novos conhecimentos nas diversas áreas relacionadas ao estudo de plantas medicinais. O Simpósio será realizado no Complexo Multieventos, no campus da UNIVASF em Juazeiro-BA.

A submissão de trabalhos científicos poderá ser feita até o dia 19 de julho de 2013. Até essa data, a inscrição para estudantes de graduação custará R$ 65,00 com direito a um mini curso.

As inscrições poderão ser feitas também através do site

Solicitamos, gentilmente, divulgação do evento. Segue em anexo um cartaz para divulgação e a programação científica do evento.

Estamos esperando por vocês!

Maiores informações no site:

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

Convite GP

Semana de IC Curso de Farmácia

Prezados(as) Pós-Graduandos(as)

As palestras com destaque na programação abaixo (4 palestras) serão computadas como atividade de Seminários para o PPGF.

ATENÇÃO: Assine a lista de presença específica que estará na entrada do auditório.

Local: auditório do Curso de Farmácia (Bloco E1)

Planta Medica Issue 9 2013 now available




Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the 9th issue of the Planta Medica Newsletter 2013! In this Planta Medica issue I have selected a review, a pharmacological and an analytical study to be highlighted.

Harlev et al. have reviewed natural products originating from plants of the Cactaceae family with cancer preventive or curative properties, a still largely unexploited area of research.

Hot flushes are the most common and distressing symptom accompanying the menopausal transition in women; finding an alternative treatment is of importance as increasing numbers of women become reluctant to rely on classical hormone replacement therapy. Rahte et al. have investigated the mechanism of action and the active principles of Salvia officinalis against hot flushes. It is suggested that common and ubiquitous estrogenic flavonoids are involved in its anti-hot flush effect.

Journal Imagerecommend


Finally, Zeng et al. have developed and validated a quantitative liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometric method for the simultaneous determination of 18 bioactive constituents in Tripterygium wilfordii, which is widely distributed in southern China. The stem and root of T. wilfordii, known as "Leigongteng" (in Chinese "thunder god vine"), are used in traditional Chinese medicine, and play a significant role in the clinical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in China.

It is my pleasure to offer you free access to these publications!




Luc Pieters
Luc Pieters
Planta Medica, Editor-in-Chief




Cancer Preventive and Curative Attributes of Plants of the Cactaceae Family: A Review

Eli Harlev, Eviatar Nevo, Elaine Solowey, Anupam Bishayee


The ever-increasing occurrence of cancer and the severe side effects and limited efficacy of current cancer chemotherapy based on chemical drugs shift the attention toward drugs of plant origin.
The Cactaceae family comprises more than 1500 species, but until recently only a few of them have been tested for their chemopreventive and anticancer attributes, leaving a wide unexplored area still waiting for researchers to be investigated.


Considering this fact, and also the promising results obtained with the relatively few plants of this family already tested, it should justly be expected that some plants of the Cactaceae family yet unexplored might possess outstanding anticancer attributes, exceeding those displayed by the plants already tested.
This review presents in vitro and in vivo experimental evidence on cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic potential of bioactive phytoconstituents and extracts derived from cactus plants. It also examines the underlying biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in the antineoplastic effects of plants of the Cactaceae family. Current limitation and future directions of research towards effective use of cacti to develop efficient and side effect-free future cancer-preventive and anticancer drugs are also discussed. Read more



Salvia officinalis for Hot Flushes: Towards Determination of Mechanism of Activity and Active Principles (FREE ACCESS)
Sinikka Rahte, Richard Evans, Philippe J. Eugster, Laurence Marcourt, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Andreas Kortenkamp, Deniz Tasdemir


Herbal medicinal products are commonly used in alternative treatment of menopausal hot flushes. In a recent clinical study, Salvia officinalis tincture was found to reduce hot flush frequency and intensity.
The aim of the current study was the investigation of the mechanism(s) responsible for the anti-hot flush activity of S. officinalis and determination of its active principle(s). The 66% ethanolic tincture, as well as the n-hexane, CHCl3, and aqueous ethanolic subextracts obtained from the




tincture were studied in vitro for two of the most relevant activities, estrogenicity and selective serotonin reuptake inhibition. Because of an increased risk of menopausal women to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, an in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay was also employed. No activity was observed in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibition or the acetylcholinesterase inhibition assays at the highest test concentrations. The tincture showed no estrogenic effects whereas the aqueous ethanolic subextract exhibited estrogenicity in the ERLUX assay with an EC50 value of 64 µg/mL. Estrogenic activity-guided fractionation of the aqueous ethanolic subextract by a combination of reverse-phase vacuum liquid chromatography and gel chromatography identified luteolin-7-O-glucuronide (EC50 129 µg/mL) as the active component of the vacuum liquid chromatography fraction 4 (EC50 69 µg/mL). Luteolin-7-O-glucoside was identified as the putative estrogenic principle of the most potent minor fraction (EC50 0.7 µg/mL) obtained from the initial vacuum liquid chromatography fraction 7 (EC50 3 µg/mL). This study suggests the involvement of common and ubiquitous estrogenic flavonoids in the anti-hot flush effect of Salvia officinalis, a safe and commonly used herbal medicinal product during the menopause. Read more



Simultaneous Quantification of 18 Bioactive Constituents in Tripterygium wilfordii Using Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (FREE ACCESS)
Feng Zeng, Wei Wang, Shuhong Guan, Chunru Cheng, Min Yang, Bharathi Avula, Ikhlas A. Khan, De-an Guo


A liquid chromatography – electrospray ionization – mass spectrometry method with multiple reaction monitoring was established for simultaneous quantification of 18 bioactive constituents from the stem and root of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. collected from different places in China and various commercial preparations.


The chromatographic separations were achieved on an Agilent Poroshell SB–C18 column (150 × 4.6 mm, 3.5 µm) with gradient elution using acetonitrile and 0.03% formic acid aqueous solution in 45 min. Detection was performed in the positive ionization mode by monitoring the precursor–product combination. The validation of the method included tests of linearity, sensitivity, precision, repeatability, stability, and accuracy. All calibration curves showed good linearity (r > 0.9990) within the test range. The established method showed good precision and accuracy with intraday and interday variations of 2–5% and 1–4%, respectively, and recoveries of 95.5–104.5%. Read more



Table of Contents: Issue 9, June 2013


Original Papers
FREE ARTICLE: Cancer Preventive and Curative Attributes of Plants of the Cactaceae Family: A Review
Eli Harlev, Eviatar Nevo, Elaine Solowey, Anupam Bishayee
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Biological and Pharmacological Activity

Original Papers
Anxiolytic Action of Pterostilbene: Involvement of Hippocampal ERK Phosphorylation
Md. Al Rahim, Agnes M. Rimando Kalpten Silistreli, Abir T. El-Alfy
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Icariin Attenuates the Enhanced Prothrombotic State in Atherosclerotic Rabbits Independently of Its Lipid-Lowering Effects
Wei-ping Zhang, Xiao-jun Bai, Xiao-pu Zheng, Xiao-lu Xie, Zu-yi Yuan
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Wound-Healing Potential of the Root Extract of Albizzia lebbeck
Apurva Joshi, Nidhi Sengar, Satyendra K. Prasad, Raj Kumar Goel, Akanksha Singh, Siva Hemalatha
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen) Injection Ameliorates Iron Overload-Induced Cardiac Damage in Mice
Jian-ping Zhang, Yuan-yuan Zhang, Ying Zhang, Yong-gang Gao, Juan-juan Ma, Na Wang, Jiang-yan Wang, Yun Xie, Feng-hua Zhang, Li Chu
Abstract | HTML | PDF

FREE ARTICLE: Salvia officinalis for Hot Flushes: Towards Determination of Mechanism of Activity and Active Principles
Sinikka Rahte, Richard Evans, Philippe J. Eugster, Laurence Marcourt, Jean-Luc Wolfender, Andreas Kortenkamp, Deniz Tasdemir
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Hepatoprotective Phenolic Glycosides from Gymnema tingens
Jin Tian, Qin-Ge Ma, Jian-Bo Yang, Ai-Guo Wang, Teng-Fei Ji, Yan-Gai Wang, Ya-Lun Su
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Protective Effects of α-Tocopherol and Ascorbic Acid against Cardol-Induced Cell Death and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in Staphylococcus aureus
Wakae Murata, Toshio Tanaka, Isao Kubo, Ken-ichi Fujita
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Arsenic Trioxide-Enhanced, Matrine-Induced Apoptosis in Multiple Myeloma Cell Lines
Qinghong Yu, Binhai Chen, Xiang Zhang, WenBin Qian, Baodong Ye, Yuhong Zhou
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Inhibition of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced iNOS and COX-2 Expression by Indole Alkaloid, 3-(Hydroxymethyl)-6,7-Dihydroindolo[2,3-a]Quinolizin-(12H)-one, via NF-κB Inactivation in RAW 264.7 Macrophages
Feng Zhao, Lei Chen, Menglin Zhang, Chenchen Bi, Lichun Li, Qingzhen Zhang, Cuicui Shi, Miao Li, Songsong Zhou, Linghua Kong
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Natural Product Chemistry

Steroidal Glycosides from Reineckia carnea herba and Their Antitussive Activity
Na Han, Ling Li Chen, Yao Wang, Rui Xue, Li Bo Zou, Fang Liu, Jun Yin
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Three New Xanthones from the Resin of Garcinia hanburyi
Yun-Xia Deng, Tao Guo, Zhi-Yu Shao, Hui Xie, Sheng-Li Pan
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Analytical Studies

Original Papers
FREE ARTICLE: Simultaneous Quantification of 18 Bioactive Constituents in Tripterygium wilfordii Using Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry
Feng Zeng, Wei Wang, Shuhong Guan, Chunru Cheng, Min Yang, Bharathi Avula, Ikhlas A. Khan, De-an Guo
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Click here to see the full table of contents for this issue.
About this Journal
Editor in Chief: Luc Pieters, Belgium
Planta Medica is one of the leading international journals in the field of medicinal plants and natural products with original research papers, letters, rapid communications, reviews, minireviews and perspectives from researchers worldwide.

Authors, please submit your manuscripts electronically to:

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I Simpósio Iberoamericano de Investigação em Câncer

É com enorme satisfação que anunciamos, como atividade formativa da Rede RIBECANCER/CYTED/CNPq ( a realização do I Simpósio Iberoamericano de Investigação em Câncer que irá ocorrer em Campinas-SP dias 24 e 25 de Setembro, 2013.

Acesse o site e conheça a Programação e maiores detalhes:


Prof. João Ernesto de Carvalho (CPQBA/UNICAMP)

Coordenador do Simpósio

Prof. Valdir Cechinel Filho (UNIVALI)

Coordenador da Rede RIBECANCER

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013

Grupo de Pesquisa 13/06/2013

Pharmaceutical Biology

Informa Healthcare Table of Contents Alert
Pharmaceutical Biology
Early Online

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The table of contents for this issue is listed below. Click on the links below to view the abstract for each article, or click on the link above to read the table of contents online.

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A comparative study on anticoagulant activities of three Chinese herbal medicines from the genus Panax and anticoagulant activities of ginsenosides Rg1 and Rg2
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-4.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (176 KB) | PDF Plus (177 KB)


Different extraction pretreatments significantly change the flavonoid contents of Scutellaria baicalensis
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-8.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (617 KB) | PDF Plus (618 KB)


Phenylpropanoids from Podocarpium podocarpum
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-5.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (189 KB) | PDF Plus (190 KB)


Herbal medicinal oils in traditional Persian medicine
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-11.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (722 KB) | PDF Plus (723 KB)


In vivo analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Rosmarinus officinalis aqueous extracts, rosmarinic acid and its acetyl ester derivative
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-4.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (146 KB) | PDF Plus (147 KB)


Brine shrimp lethality assay ‘an effective prescreen’: Microwave-assisted synthesis, BSL toxicity and 3DQSAR studies-based designing, docking and antitumor evaluation of potent chalcones
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-13.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (413 KB) | PDF Plus (413 KB)


Cytotoxic withanolides from the leaves of Moroccan Withania frutescens
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-7.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (262 KB) | PDF Plus (263 KB)


Increased production of plumbagin in Plumbago indica root cultures by gamma ray irradiation
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-5.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (259 KB) | PDF Plus (260 KB)


Protective effect of artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf extract against lead toxicity in rat
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-6.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (238 KB) | PDF Plus (239 KB)


Antimutagenic properties of affinin isolated from Heliopsis longipes extract
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-5.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (203 KB) | PDF Plus (203 KB)


Ejaculatory activities of Allanblackia floribunda stem bark in spinal male rats
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-7.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (386 KB) | PDF Plus (387 KB)


Syringic acid from Tamarix aucheriana possesses antimitogenic and chemo-sensitizing activities in human colorectal cancer cells
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-15.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (1370 KB) | PDF Plus (1371 KB)


ABCB1-overexpressing MG63/DOX cell xenograft model: Maintain the MDR phenotype in vivo
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-6.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (464 KB) | PDF Plus (465 KB)


Methanol extract of the aerial parts of barley (Hordeum vulgare) suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in vitro and in vivo
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-11.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (599 KB) | PDF Plus (600 KB) | Supplemental Material


An in vitro model for spontaneous angiogenesis using rat mesenteric endothelial cells: Possible therapeutic perspective for obesity and related disorders
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-7.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (567 KB) | PDF Plus (568 KB)


Novel GHB-derived natural products from European mistletoe (Viscum album)
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-6.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (258 KB) | PDF Plus (259 KB)


Antioxidant activity of different parts of Tetrataenium lasiopetalum
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-5.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (228 KB) | PDF Plus (229 KB)


Antinociceptive activity and pathway of the pallanalgesin isolated from venom of Agkistrodon halys (Pallas)
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-10.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (368 KB) | PDF Plus (368 KB)


Saponin and non-saponin fractions of red ginseng ameliorate cisplatin-induced pica in rats
Pharmaceutical Biology , Early Online: 1-9.
Summary | Full Text | PDF (463 KB) | PDF Plus (464 KB)

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